
Friday, April 17, 2009


Please go to Stop Mother act and sign the petition to prevent mothers from losing their free agency.  

“This MOTHER’S Act, with its innocuous sounding name will mandate “mental screening” for Pregnant women. This will lead to many more young mothers being labeled with fraudulent psychiatric conditions and many of them will be put on dangerous psychiatric drugs even while they are still pregnant. This is already happening in some states such as New Jersey with the state legislature previously passed a similar bill.

With your help, we were able to stop this Federal bill dead in its tracks last year, but the drug lobby apparently never sleeps and they got it through the House of Representatives.

Now we need some fast action from thousands of doctors and patients across the country - in the form of phone calls and faxes to their US Senators to stop this bill from passing in the Senate"

Contrary to what our drug obsessed society believes, drugs are not always the answer. So... because some women have PPD I have to be tested for it??? How they would even test for something health practitioners don't even understand is beyond me. And what if the outcome of my testing, based on hypothetical inconclusive data, says I have ppd? Well then pump me and my perfect little fetus full of dangerous drugs. This act is absurd! You know come to think of it, I don't feel good every month when I get a dose of hormones. I guess I should have been prescribed a prescription of zoloft along time ago. And I can't seem to loose the last 7 pounds of my baby weight so maybe I should just start taking diet pills around 5months along of my next pregnancy.  I like what another blogger wrote:

"Drugs cannot cure or even help a nutritional deficiency. All PPD and most other psych created conditions are nothing more than nutritional issues that have been created by the current state of our food supply. Last week a news report exposed the inclusion of  Mercury in almost 50% of all high fructose corn syrup, which is in everything. The FDA & Congress cannot  safeguard our food supply. They cannot be trusted to safeguard the health of women and children.  Save our future. Help stop this bill"



kkrich said...

had never heard of this assinine bill before! thanks for posting!

rachel said...

You are crazy. Go take some medicine.