
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Little Clarification....

Editors note: so contrary to what y'all thought my previous post insinuates, I'm not in love with Glenn Beck. My post was suppose to insinuate that I'm in love with joby because I am attracted to character and looks that are reminiscent of him.

Glenn = like his broadcasts because he quotes my favorite author
Joby= Love.

Glenn= enjoy his broadcasts
Joby= Love

Got it?

So no more stupid phone calls in reference to a fictitious attraction you thought was real because you don't understand my sarcasm or else I will be forced to punch you all in the face.


Kalli said...

I would like to avoid a face punch. Desperately. They are just unpleasant.

Jodi said...

such violence. Does Joby know about your crush?

Joby, Julie, Cru and Sage said...

Jodi I am going to send you a "mis-fortunatelys."

kjwoolf said...

Uh, I think I get 10% of your "mis-fortunatelys" as it was my idea...... and I don't think you LOVE Glen Beck, so no face punch either!