
Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm temporarily anti-color

According to Joby I am a part time goth. He claims pregnancy makes me anti-color.

I have noticed that around four months into pregnancy everything black in my wardrobe seems to be worn more frequently. This frequency seems to increase and by nine months color has been completely absolved from my attire and I pretty much wear the Mac cosmetic uniform on black. One month after pregnancy I seem to welcome color back into my life.
I apparently am a typical girl and realized I simply resort to black for its wonderful concealing abilities. Its my attempt to trick my mind into believing I still have some sort of figure even though the baby is trying her best to sabotage it. I think its easy to feel huge during pregnancy, even though its just the baby, and anything that makes me feel less like a cow in those last months I will fully support.
See, sporting black straight forward I'm only a little pregnant
Even though turning to the side I am obviously 7 months.
Joby always says my psychosomatic neuroticisms are what keep our marriage interesting.

Side note, never say never. I find that whatever you say you will "never do" 9 times out of ten you will do.
Pre-children I always judged mothers whos kid still had a binky in after they were walking. I claimed my kid will NEVER use a binky past 10months. Below you will find a picture of my hypocrisy.
16 month old Cru.
What I should have said was "My kid will never use a binky past 10 months.......unless I find it a useful weapon to quiet tantrums and high pitched screaming."


rachel said...

Color is overrated...except when it comes to men! Yum!

missy said...

I hear ya, I have like five shirts I just keep rotating through over and over again.

rmanni23 said...

Quote from Julz: I apparently am a typical girl

Nope, I don't think so. Nope, nope you're not.

For better or worse, Julz, there is nothing typical about you. But don't feel bad, Boomer is non-typical, and I adore him, so it's not a bad thing. At least I don't think it is.

Jodi said...

7 months? That's just flown right by!! For me anyway :) By the way you look awesome! And I'm pretty sure it's not just the black.

by the by my word verification is CRAMPO seems awfully fitting for a pregnancy post.

Alicia said...

Love the binky comment! I figured we were binky free ourselves since Ryan would never take one - until he was about 9 or 10 months old. Maybe even older! I used it because he was biting. Now it's a necessity for naps and bedtime.