
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If only Florida was closer...

We laughed, Cru cried and Joby punched an alligator in the face! (okay so the last part is untrue...but that would have been Awesome) Jobys relatives are the most entertaining people I have ever met. I couldn't have acquired a more wonderful family. 


rachel said...

No more three week blogging dry spells...even IF blogging is for geeks. (I totally just typed out gooks instead of geeks, wow.) I love you guys too much! I miss you! (My birthday is June 10th, I want one of those baby chairs that hold you in a sitting position, except adult sized) (thanks)

Jodi said...

It just so happens that I might be jealous of your sandiegoness. No reason to rub it in. And I agree with Rachel. It weirds me out that youre here one week and then-oops where'd Julie go?

rmanni23 said...

Cute video Jules, and where in the heck have you been????? (besides Florida). The baby boy is growing! How cute he is.

Joby, Julie, Cru and Sage said...

Homeboy got sick for a week and a half so my sabbatical was due to my zombie like state