
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I have two kids...What?

Things I forgot about having a kid:
1.The awesome adrenaline that comes from strong contractions. Contractions definitely hurt like hell but there is an exhilaration about feeling your bodies process to push the baby out.
2.How much fun it is to sneeze after an episiotomy (extreme sarcasm)
3.How loved I feel by Joby as I watch him get completely stressed with concern for me with any discomfort I experience.
4. How good hospital food is (seriously I love it)and how nice it is to have a team of nurses attend to your every need for two days.
5. The sacred feeling of maternity wards. I find it difficult to check out of my hospital room. You experience such a sacred and beautiful memory in that room its hard to leave.


missy said...

congratulations! loved the list, right after I had kelton I took a drink and started to choke. I seriously contemplated letting the water just stay in my lungs because coughing was just too painful.

Kalli said...

they're handing out eposiotimies in Roosevelt?

I'll pass.

She's a beauty, can't wait to see her!

Holly & Matt said...

Congratulations Julie! She's an extremely pretty little baby! Oh my gosh you have two.....

Unknown said...

Well done Julie! I've been waiting for Sages video. She is absolutely precious. I can't wait to see her again.

rachel said...

Of course your daughter would stick out her tongue for the camera when she's only 14 minutes old. Well done!

Allreds said...

i am so happy you live by me so i get to see her! She is so cute julie i want to squish her. I am always stoked when you have a new video and this one was soo sweet. I am so happy for your family and hope you have lots more!